Saturday, August 31, 2019

Workplace Violence in the Workplace Sector: A Literature Review

Workplace violence is an emerging phenomenon that should be investigated. The nature of such violence and how it is affecting the workplace. The nature of workplace violence, the different methods being used to do it and how it affects the workers and their relationship with each other should be looked into. Historical Context of Workplace Violence V. Bowie provides an overview of workplace violence by looking at the history of corporations and companies in the past thirty years. The material he produced gives the researcher important insights on the development of trends, controversies and issues that occur during the past thirty years. These trends were connected with social as well as technological developments in the society. In addition to this, he also uses research data and findings on various disciplines to provide an explanatory background for these emerging trends. Bowie’s work provides an important historical context of workplace arrangements and the instances that give rise to workplace violence. Furthermore, Bowie provided a typology of workplace violence which is composed of (1) intrusive, (2) consumer, (3) relationship, and (4) organizational. His typology can be the basis of further research in the field and will give interesting insights . Probably the most important contribution of Bowie to the study under consideration is his identification of key issues in workplace violence and how it affects the whole organization and the individuals who experience such violence. Of the trends that he identified, an important component that should be investigated at this time is cyber-violence. Given the widespread use of e-mail, blogging, instant messaging and other internet platforms, workplace violence is also being perpetuated and workers are being degraded, harassed, manipulated and humiliated. Another important aspect of workplace violence that could expand on Bowie’s work is by studying the way that older employees are being treated. Given the large number of young professionals waiting to work, these older employees are being harassed so they would resign and give way to younger workers . Bowie’s work helps situate this research study being undertaken in regards to the developments in the emerging trends and issues in workplace violence. With the framework of this study, some recommendations shall be made on how to deal with these emerging trends and issues. The work of Johnson and Indvik further provides an important historical backdrop on the emergence of workplace violence as a field of study and interest in corporate culture and human relations within organizations. The nineties is of particular interest to Johnson and Indvik. They noted the rise in both intensity and number of incidences of workplace violence. The two researchers analyzed the causes of this violence, the perceived costs of workplace violence and its impact on the organization as a whole. Among the causes that they noted, emotional problems are the first on their list. These emotional problems may stem from deep-seated issues in their personalities and developmental stage or it may be related to issues of change in their lifestyles. Abuse, is most often experienced first in the family and this is then transferred to other persons in the workplace or in the family. Another important cause of violence is the perceived difficulties in the economy, the laying off of workers and the inability of workers to deal with such changes in their lives. Johnson and Indvik’s approach to dealing with their study is that they conducted first a study on the possible causes of violence in an individual worker. From that, they also describe the workplace situation and how it contributes to the development of a workplace conducive for violence. After going through this, the authors also studied the role of management and human resources officers of the organization in the emergence of workplace violence. One of the important concepts the authors put forward is that there must have been negligent hiring because persons that are emotionally and mentally disturbed. Another area of negligence would be on the supervision of employees. If there is effective supervision and regular consultation with the managers and the employees, workplace violence would be mitigated. The authors also outlined several prevention strategies by dealing with all the areas of the causes of violence that they identified. The historical context in the article of Johnson and Indvik as well as their analysis of individual workers, the workplace and the role of management in workplace violence make it a very valuable resource in understanding the aggressors, the nature and characteristics of workplace violence, and planning strategies that could significantly reduce the incidence and occurrence of workplace violence. Is there a Need for Violence? Is there a need for violence? John Keane seems to answer yes to this important question. History is replete with violence. There are wars, killing fields, concentration camps, assassinations and other forms of violence. It seems that violence is hard-wired into the consciousness of every human being. Keane therefore embarks on a journey to reflect on the meanings of such violence and their ethical and political significance. Although his work is not totally related to workplace violence, Keane’s ideas and reflections on the paradoxes of violence can have important implications on the workplace. He has a very interesting insight that might apply on the reaction of people who are always perceived as victims of workplace violence. Most of the time, keeping quiet and resignation is the usual reaction to violence in the workplace. Keane says that this kind of passive reaction to violence should be reconsidered. Naive pacifism for Keane is an anachronism and will only create a condition a cycle of violence. When no one resists senseless violence, then it will become part of the culture. It will also drive away the people who are continuously subjected to violence. He calls for a rethinking on the approach of today’s society to violence. While it may be true that peace and lack of conflict is highly desirable, those who inflict violence should be apprehended. That can only be done if the victims of violence who want to preserve civility will become courageous enough to stand up for their own rights and stand up against the perpetrators of violence. Although not directly related to workplace violence, Keane’s reflections have much to do in stopping violence in the workplace and helping victims speak out for themselves and even take active means to counter violence. By doing so, the organization will empower its employees so that they can stop workplace violence if they see it anywhere in the organization. Workplace violence may be looked at as an act between two people. There are instances, however, that more people may be involved. Workplace violence is essentially an interpersonal incident. The root cause of such violence needs to be identified in order for the proper intervention strategies to be devised. Cavell and Malcolm identified anger and aggression in the workplace as the leading causes of violence in the workplace. Through the collection of articles that they collected, they explore the sources of anger in the workplace and, more importantly, in the personal lives of those who go to work at their offices. In a rather interesting twist in their argument, they said that anger and aggression are but normal in the lives of people. What matters is how to manage these emotions. With good management, these emotions could also be put to good use. If left unchecked, however, they can wreak havoc at the workplace, leaving people hurting and in danger. The authors looked at psychological explanations of anger and aggression and how different people express these emotions. More than that, however, they also explored the different means of controlling anger effectively such as asking the help of anger management professionals and counselors. In the book that they authored, they also developed a helpful model in treating anger and aggression. As the contemporary workplace becomes more complex and difficult, so shall the safety and security concerns be foremost at the minds of managers and the people who enforce laws related to security. With this in mind, the volume contributed by Cavell & Malcolm is a big help for professionals who are seeking to neutralize the negative effects of anger and aggression in the workplace and work towards the channeling of these emotions to creativity that in the long run will contribute to the growth of the organization. The book also offered solid guidelines on how to help employees who are suffering from bouts of anger, aggression and even depression so that they can make the best out of their situation and contribute to the improvement of organizational practices and development. Types of Workplace Violence. Physical violence is no the only criteria in determining workplace violence. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) came up with four different types of workplace violence, which could also be helpful to this study in coming up with such typology of workplace violence. The first one is criminal intent which may be rooted in unresolved conflicts and deep-seated frustrations and emotional and mental disturbance. Additionally, criminal intent may be inflicted by people outside the workplace who do have criminal intent such as robbery, homicide or murder and rape among others Secondly, workplace violence may also emanate from customer-client relationships and vice versa. There are overbearing customers who heap abuses on the workers on duty. These customers are usually very impatient and they are passing on some violent remarks and actions onto the workers of the organization. The third type is violence that takes place within the organization through the relationships of the workers. This type of violence is inflicted by one employee to another employee. Such type of workplace violence may occur because of professional rivalry, underperformance or lackluster service, and even due to circumstances fostered by the workplace itself. The last type of workplace violence comes from personal relationships. This type of violence comes from dysfunctional relationships in and out of the office. Most of the time, however, relationship problems such as domestic problems, and frustrations problems come from outside of the organization. The NIOSH publication also identified several research needs for workplace violence. These research areas are very important to this study so that the researcher would know what gaps in the workplace violence research will it fill in and which of these research needs it fulfills. (1) The first research need is the establishment of a national agenda and strategy for workplace violence. This would help more researchers and practitioners learn about the theories and the progresses made in understanding the issue. (2) There should also be an evaluation research. This would also facilitate a better understanding on the part of organizations the intervention needs in regards to workplace violence. 3) The definitions of workplace violence should be consistent. This would enable organizations and practitioners to gather consensus on what workplace violence truly means and what its effects are. (4) Help ensure reporting at all levels. One of the more important challenges of workplace violence is reporting. When people start talking, then its occurrence would come to the fore and it would be dealt with more easily. (5) Lastly, economics research should also be conducted to determine the actual costs of workplace violence and the benefits of investing on this area of the organization. These items in the research agenda helps the researcher in looking at workplace violence comprehensively. Indeed, there are a number of research points that should be undertaken by organizations and by individual researchers to deal with the problems of workplace violence. Although this set of research points and agenda are arbitrary at best and may be subject to change in the coming months and years, researchers will have known what important areas of research still lack studies. When researchers put their resources together in studying these areas, workplace violence could then be best understood and prevented. A Look into the Lethal Employee’s Mind One possible way of understanding workplace violence and preventing it is looking into the mindset of violent employees and the kind of motivations and attitudes that they have. Kelleher sought to map and create a profile of the mind of the employee with the propensity for perpetuating violence. Through the case studies that he provides in his book, he will be able to give a full picture of the motivations and the tendencies of the employee who commits violence. The author takes a look at the crimes and violence committed at the workplace. He then traces back the event that happened, the experiences of the lethal employee that led to violence or homicide. The different profiles featured in the book are very useful in identifying the mindset and the propensity for violence of employees. The characteristics described by Kelleher could be used as a benchmark for looking at possible violent offenders. By bringing in behavioral science models and research findings, he creates a profile of the possible violent employee. This then helps organizations in planning and creating strategies for dealing with and preventing workplace violence. Kelleher succeeds in helping researchers, managers and practitioners in looking at the profile of the potentially lethal employee. One of the gaps in research, however, is the recent findings in research about workplace violence. Such gap will be filled by this study by looking at recent research studies and findings of practitioners in the field. Kelleher’s framework fits into a systemic view of workplace violence. The profile of the potentially lethal employee could be related to the difficulties, issues and frustrations experienced by the employee in the workplace. Such profile will also be looked into alongside the profile of potential victims and the organizational culture. With these elements of the system, a better understanding of workplace violence could be arrived at. Trends, Issues and Strategies in Workplace Violence Kelleher’s book was essential in understanding the lethal employee’s mindset and profile. The gaps in the recent trends and issues are supplied by Bowie, Fisher and Cooper . The collection they authored presents a number of relevant statistics concerning workplace violence in the United States. Since their book was released only in 2005, they offer some of the most recent statistics and findings. More than that, the authors also looked at data from different companies and organizations all over the United States to present an overview of what is going on in most organizations. They present an important picture of what is going on. They explored individual factors that contribute to workplace violence such as domestic problems, a recurring cause in most of the workplace violence literature consulted in this study. They also identified reasons and ways in which organizations can take care of workers who are in risky situations. The psychological stress and workplace frustrations should be supplemented by support groups composed of the management and fellow workers. Such a caring environment can help reform a violence-prone organization and defuse the emotions and frustrations of workers. A rather surprising topic that Bowie, Fisher and Cooper addressed is the relation of terrorism to workplace violence. As the threat of terrorism looms in the United States, organizations should always be on the lookout for means of responding effectively to terrorist attacks and violence. The collection is one of the first books to offer an in-depth analysis of cyber-harassment, how workers and managers alike use email, instant messengers and other cyber-technologies to harass and perpetuate violence in the workplace. The bullies in the workplace are looking for ways to continue displaying their bravado and their arrogance and the internet has also become their tool for this purpose. After noting the trends and issues in workplace violence statistics and research, the authors provided a synthesis and a prospectus of what will happen in the next few years and how organizations can best counter workplace violence. There are a number of technological tools available at the disposal of managers and workers. Yet, the importance of training and creating an organizational culture that does not tolerate is still one of the most important activities that organizations should undertake. A researcher and observer who has an understanding of workplace violence in the past thirty years or so will be delighted with this as they get a glimpse of recent developments in this area of research and how the next few years might yield new trends, issues and strategies in dealing with violence in the workplace. Declining Violent Crime in the Workplace The work of Duhart through the Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report supplements the historical context provided by Bowie. Duhart’s work deals with the statistics on violent crime on the workplace in the past decade, particularly from 1993 to 1999. According to her study the number of violent crimes committed against people on work duty declined by 44% during the period covered by the study. Nonetheless, workplace violence still accounted for 18% of the total violent crimes committed during this period. This is still a rather large number of incidences. Such crimes include sexual harassment and even rape, robbery and simple and grave assault. At first glance, the work of Duhart may seem to refute the claims of Johnson and Indvik but a closer look would reveal that Duhart’s statistics concern only the violent crimes directed towards workers and employees while that of Johnson and Indvik recognize workplace violence as encompassing all forms of verbal and physical abuse directed to workers and employees alike. The statistics of Duhart provide important demographic information about the victims of workplace violence. Women, as much as men, are the subject of such violence. Among the variables she explored are the type of crime and gender, the occupations where such violence occur, the role of race on violence, and the kind of workplace where the violence occurred. In addition to providing a profile of the victims, the report also takes a look into the characteristics of the offenders, their motivation for committing violence, and in worst cases, homicide. The profiles of the victims and the offenders are of particular interest for this study. Although such profile may be incomplete, it serves as a guide in understanding the situations of victims, offenders and other factors in the workplace that contribute to violence. A contemporary study on the topic of workplace violence may build upon these description and statistics to further analyze the trends and issues that are emerging in this phenomenon. Neuman and Baron agree that the number of violent crimes directed against workers and employees have declined in the past few years. In fact, the occurrence of extremely violent acts of aggression is a rare event in the workplace. This means that physical aggression is not really the criteria for workplace violence as echoed by other writers and researchers in this field. Although extreme violent aggression is rare in the workplace, other forms of violence and abuse are present in the workplace. In this case, such violence has very important impact on the organization and the individuals working within it. Neuman and Baron presented a study on the frequency of violence in the workplace and the impact of this violence on the culture of the organization. More importantly, for this study, the authors presented a framework of analysis in understanding workplace violence. Their framework is built on contemporary theories of violence and the motivation for aggression of individuals. By doing so, they are able to update existing theories and understanding on human aggression. This makes their work relevant to the organizational culture of the twenty-first century. Through the framework that they developed, they explain different reasons and context where violence may arise in the workplace. They were concerned primarily with the motivations of individuals in committing violence, that is why they did not focus much in looking at the workplace that may give rise to violence. Nonetheless, they still looked at the impact of the workplace on the individuals and how that can affect their performance and propensity for aggression. Based on this understanding, Neuman and Baron also provided various principles and strategies in dealing with workplace violence. Perhaps the only limitation in their analysis is the way that they focused too much on the individual and did not look at the workplace as a system that can also give rise to incidences of violence. Aggression at Work and in Schools Braverman, Galasso and Marsh edited together a collection of articles dealing with the issue of violence in the workplace and in the schools. The articles in their collection probes deeply in the phenomenon of workplace violence, the nuances of its definition, the instances when and where it happens and takes a look at recent research, methodologies, frameworks and studies that are related to the topic at hand. Braverman uses the Systems Model in analyzing violence in the workplace and in the schools. This is an important idea as the systems model is a multi-disciplinary approach and looks at the relationships of different elements in the system. By developing this model, Braverman is helping researchers and human resources practitioners in understanding violence and analyzing the corporate or school system. In doing so, they can readily identify some of the factors that contribute to workplace violence. This systems-based model in looking at workplace violence can be used by this study in understanding different factors affecting such kind of violence. The individual articles in the collection also help identify the personality of victims and of aggressors. The workplace full of emotional abuse is also described as well as the different attitudes and behaviors that point to aggressive behavior. These elements of the system are then tied up together neatly into the systems-based model. Clearly, the systems-based model has very important explanatory utility, which this research project could use. Such an approach helps in the development of a framework of study that is not fragmentary and isolated. Rather, it helps look at the issue from a holistic perspective and looks at the whole organization and how it can breed violence in the workplace. Indeed, if the organization is filled always with stress, frustration and increasing pressure, then it might become a breeding ground for workplace violence. This idea of an organization that can become a breeding ground for violence is further explored by Denenberg and Braverman. By focusing on the workplace, they looked at different factors and elements that could lead people to become stressed out and commit violence. The authors point out that unresolved conflicts and frustrations due to employees who fail all contribute to stress and the potential for violence. If this is the case, then there would be a dysfunctional workplace. This concept of dysfunctional workplace is important in taking a deeper probe into the organizational culture and relationships of people within the organization. Although there may be dysfunctional employees, it is best to focus on the dysfunctional workplace that cannot deal with difficult employees. To illustrate their point, the authors used qualitative strategies by providing 14 case studies and stories of workplace violence that actually occurred. Interestingly, these 14 stories are rich source of qualitative data for the analysis of workplace violence. Through these stories, the authors identified several factors that contribute to violence in the workplace such as racial tensions, changes in the corporate culture, being laid off the worker’s pool, and other personal stress such as domestic problems. Braverman and Denenberg then analyzed these sources of violence and outlined several strategies on how to best deal with such violence. They cited the need to make changes to the organizational culture, the importance of correct and timely information dissemination and the creation of a violence prevention plan. The government regulations and guidelines can also be found in the volume, making it a comprehensive guide to understanding and preventing workplace violence. This study could benefit from the book of Braverman and Denenberg by looking at the dysfunctional workplace instead of just looking at individual workers who commit violence. Their analysis can complement the analysis of victims and offenders and will give a comprehensive view of the occurrence of workplace violence. When this comprehensive view is taken, the trouble spots and areas of concern will slowly emerge and prevention becomes more easily done. The Seriousness of Workplace Violence Workplace violence is really an important concern in organizations and companies all over the world. Yet, a proper understanding of what it is all about should be arrived at. In this regard, Vandenbos and Bulatao explore the definitions of workplace violence as well as its scope. They explored several definitions of workplace violence from those who claim that only physical assault may be considered as violence to those who are more comprehensive in their view. By taking a look at the violence directed against workers, they were drawn to look at the definition of a workplace and what characterizes it. The focus of Vandenbos and Bulatao, however, is workplace homicide. The occurrence of this extreme form of workplace violence is indeed alarming and should be addressed immediately. Even though that is the case, the work of Bulatao and Vandenbos provide an important insight into the nature and definition of violence and a description of the workplace. The definitions of workplace violence that they provided help keep the debates in the research topic alive. Each definition has its own strengths and weaknesses. As they proceeded to synthesize the definitions, an understanding of the workplace becomes clearer. It is the venue where people with different backgrounds, emotional makeup and stress levels interact together. There are certain factors and elements that contribute to the eruption of conflicts and violence. They resonated the idea of Braverman and Denenberg that the workplace could become dysfunctional and will create a situation favorable for violence. The rest of the collection that the Bulatao and Vandenbos edited also deals with various details of workplace violence. The various risk factors and attitude problems in the workplace are explored in the articles found in the collection. They also enumerated several high-risk occupations that tend to create a situation of violence. These occupations such as nursing, the police, social workers in depressed areas and slums, in federal agencies, construction industries and even in jail, are good places to start looking for further research and developments in workplace violence. The stories found in these occupations are also good sources of first-hand examples of workplace violence. These stories could then serve to bolster arguments and plans concerning the prevention of workplace violence, which should be the aim of any well-meaning organization. The nature of workplace violence is further explored by Raymond B. Flannery Jr. in Workplace Violence . His book is an introductory course on workplace violence. He discusses the nature of workplace violence and the different sources where it might originate. He starts with a description of the victim and the ordeal that he or she goes through. Violence is always an uncomfortable affair for the victim and responding to it is difficult. He then provides a description of the workplace and cites factors that contribute to the development of violence in the workplace. A description of aggressors then follows and how the inflict violence on their co-workers. Such descriptions follow the description of other authors dealing with workplace violence. Most of the time, stress, personality disorders, and the level of frustration are some of the causes of violence and aggression. The work of Flannery is neatly divided into two parts. The first one deals with the workplace, the victim, the aggressors and the different conditions that affect violence in the workplace. The second one deals with strategies and mechanisms towards the prevention of violence in the workplace. This book is an important introductory work on the importance of dealing with workplace violence. As a reference book for this study, however, it would be best used in conjunction with other introductory work on the subject so that the researcher would get a deeper understanding of workplace violence and its occurrence. Violence in the Workplace: Telling and Reporting Violence in the workplace is a sensitive matter. That is why a lot of people choose not to confess and tell anyone about their experiences at work. This poses a serious threat in the organization because violence continues with or without reporting. If no action is done to correct this matter, then eventually such workplace violence will become a part of the corporate culture and the overall situation of the organization will worsen. On the part of employees who experience violence, the tendency for them is to resign, especially if the perpetrator of violence belongs to the management. Bryant and Cox conducted a study in Australia concerning the occurrence of violence. They found out that in times of organizational change, some violence may be committed to the employees. Such violence may come from fellow workers or from the management. The researchers found a link between violence and resignation and say that resignation is usually seen as a way to get away from the discomfort and difficulties brought about by the violence. The researchers used a qualitative approach in dealing with their subject matter and sought to understand the thought processes and the decisions that employees who experience violence go through. Resignation is clearly a choice for most of them yet they are forced into it because of the experience of violence in the workplace. If violence became a means of forcing an employee to resign, then there is something totally wrong with the culture of the organization. The stories that Bryant and Cox portrayed in their study are a rich source of anecdotal evidence concerning violence in the workplace and how employees and workers deal with the difficulties it brings. An important component of their study is the recommendation that organizational change should make provisions with the management of conflict and of violence in the workplace. Management of Workplace Violence After understanding the nature of workplace violence, the factors affecting it and the conditions in the workplace and the society that contribute to its proliferation, it would be necessary for supervisors and members of the senior management to work towards the effective management and prevention of violence in the workplace. Without such knowledge and awareness, the workplace might just degenerate into the playground of workplace bullies and aggressors. Managers, by training, are concerned with productivity, efficiency and effectiveness at work. Most of them are not truly trained to be counselors. Most of the time, they do not know how to deal with aggression and causes of trauma in the workplace. This makes workplace violence more difficult. Although workplace violence is not the only cause of trauma in the workplace, managers and supervisors should be equipped with the basic knowledge and skills in handling traumatic stress in the workplace. After all, the most valuable resource of the organization is its people. If their well-being is compromised, then the production and service process will be compromised, too. The United States Office of Personnel Management came up with a Manager’s Handbook on handling trauma in the workplace. The handbook makes use of recent researchers in the field and the proven best practices on dealing with traumatic stress in the workplace. The guide is very practical. It provides a brief introduction of traumatic situations whether they are caused by natural disasters, accidents, crime or aggression in the workplace. Although counseling is not really part of the job description of a manager, listening to hurting officemate is very important because such hurts and frustrations may affect the morale of the workplace and the overall productivity of the organization. In addition to this, the guidebook also addresses suicidal concerns and those employees who are victims of workplace assault. The tips offered in the document are very practical and can be easily implemented by managers across different industries. Although the guide book does not dwell too much on workplace violence, what it provides is the human side of dealing with trauma in the workplace. Dealing with workplace aggression is difficult enough. With the support of the manager and colleagues, at least, individuals can more easily deal with their trauma. Management is indeed becoming a big part in ensuring that the workplace is safe and free from violence. This is why Chenier argued that the workplace is becoming a battleground for violence in the society. This is the reason why the author believes that employers should implement effective means of protecting their employees against violence on the job. Such strategy for preventing and protecting from violence includes the establishment of clear guidelines and policies, a crisis management team and the Employee Assistance Programs where people can report any incident without fear. It would also be necessary to modify hiring practices to ensure the emotional and mental health of prospective employees. Chenier also argues for the identification of possible sources of violence in the workplace such as firings, downsizing of the company, stress, longer hours of work and even domestic violence. He also enumerated occupations with high incidence of violence. This is why managers and workers alike should be involved together in preventing the occurrence of violence in the workplace. Even if managers have the major responsibility in ensuring safety and prevention of violence, employees should be involved so as to more effectively recognize sources of violence at their level. Chenier’s approach however seems to resemble the more reactive response in the spectrum because he argues for heightened security in the workplace, better background checking and assessment of prospective applicants. This is an important move to ensure that offenders are kept at bay. Yet, a more important strategy would be the cultivation of a corporate culture that does not tolerate workplace violence. When the employees have an excellent grasp of the importance of maintaining safety in the workplace, then the need for intense security might not arise. Resonating the idea of Chenier, Rew and Ferns, tested the government-sponsored NHS Zero Tolerance Zone Campaign, which mandates employers to provide safety measures to employees so that risks related to work can be mitigated. Health care practitioners tend to be affected by workplace violence yet they are not alone. As such, both employers and workers and even customers have roles to play in promoting safety and preventing violence in the workplace. Although the measures to prevent violence are important, Rew and Ferns highlighted the importance of training employees on how to deal with workplace violence. Such training should include conflict management and how to deal with stress. They also pointed out the importance of self-esteem and confidence in dealing with conflict and violence. The two researchers say that long before a conflict escalates into a potential violent confrontation, there should be intervention from management so that the conflict could be properly resolved. Without such conflict-resolution strategy, the safety of the workplace will be compromised and violence may become common occurrence. The Center for Mental Health Services prepared a report on the prevention of workplace violation, putting emphasis on several ways of prevention and the role of the government in prevention. The report identified several areas of concern where prevention efforts should be centered. The first one is the workplace culture and the overall way that they conduct operations and relate with each other. Another area is training and how the organization develops consciousness about safety and workplace violence prevention. Established rules and performance reviews are also important areas in preventing workplace violence. With established rules, people would know where they stand and how they should perform within the organization. In addition to rules, clear policy on layoff and terminating employees would also help defuse negative emotions and frustrations. Prohibiting drugs and alcohol for the employees is of course part of the safety measures of any organization. When there are indications that an employee is a potential dangerous worker, then the help of mental health specialists and counselors should be involved. Since racial and ethnic issues also tend to be a source of violence and conflict, then diversity is another important matter in ensuring safety and cultivating a culture of safety. In all cases, there should always be security measures because of uncertainty in the workplace. The government is also deeply involved in ensuring workplace safety and private organizations should engage their assistance in their efforts to curb workplace violence. The government helps organizations with opportunities and resources in creating policies and training in violence. Furthermore, government agencies are always working on studies and descriptions on what constitute a safe and secure workplace. The government can also release legislations and other policies governing the security of the workplace. As such, organizations should comply with these requirements. With effective government intervention, organizations can help their employees and the overall situation of their workplace in order for workplace violence to be prevented. More than just prevention, there should also be a move to establish a culture of tolerance and communication within the organization. Workplace violence could not be dealt with only by an effective strategy created by the management in consultation with the workers who are the first ones to feel the brunt of workplace violence. With the assistance of the government, they will be able to effectively combat workplace violence. Prevention is Still Better than Cure Averting violence in the workplace is definitely better than waiting for it to happen. Prevention is still the best solution in dealing with workplace violence. Managing the occurrence of violence is complicated and might lead to a number of inconveniences for both management and the workers. Prevention therefore is still the best policy. With this mind, Braverman authored a book on Preventing Workplace Violence that would provide guidance to employers and practitioners in the field. His guidebook is similar to the one released by the United States Office of Personnel Management but it has a more in-depth analysis of workplace violence and what the different elements of this violence are. Although prevention is the main concern of Braverman, he still provides a basic understanding of what workplace violence is, what its causes are, and how to spot possible violent employees. He also asks managers and practitioners to be cautious in labeling people because it might turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The strength of Braverman’s book is that he relies less on theory and more on practical experiences and case studies of violence in the workplace. In doing so, he succeeds in presenting the seriousness of the matter and that managers should move towards preventing it to save time, resources and emotional trauma in the workplace. Braverman also dealt with the dilemma of most managers who have to confront workplace violence. Most of them feel afraid and unable to deal with the situation. That is why he offers good, solid advice to them on how to deal with it. The situations he cited such as a person with domestic violence who comes to work, as well as frustrated persons with lots of emotional baggage. As he asks manager to prevent workplace violence, he also highlights the legal duties of managers to their employees in ensuring safety and security. Surprisingly, Braverman did not subscribe to the importance of the profile of a potentially violent worker. He argues that such profiling might just degenerate to witch hunts within the organization, which would be counter-productive and would only destroy the organizational culture further. Although there are instances that management and the workers do not agree with each other especially in benefits and workplace practices, workplace violence transcends these issues and collaboration and participation between management and workers are essential to dealing with it. What the management and the workers need to understand is that they are all affected by workplace violence and they could not afford to be antagonistic to each other when the safety and security of everyone is at stake. He concludes his book by outlining seven practical steps in preventing workplace violence. These steps are rooted on partnership between management and workers, on a good understanding of workplace violence and its implications on the organization, on a sense of community in the workplace; on the systems in place within the organization; and a sensitivity on the welfare of people—both the victim, the perpetrator and everyone else in the workplace. His book is very useful in constructing a comprehensive plan and strategy in dealing with workplace violence. Another author who dealt with the prevention of workplace violence is Marianne Minor . She dwelt briefly with a basic understanding of what workplace violence is but she did not present a sweeping overview. Such sweeping overview of what workplace violence is may be provided by the other books on this literature review. Of great significance are the practical tips that she offers for the management of organizations. She outlined several elements of violence prevention in the workplace. It is important for the management to assemble a team task to handle and manage crisis situations in the workplace. Moreover, the management should have a steady stream of professional advisors. This helps the advisors and the management team to create a crisis management plan, anticipate different situations where violence may arise. A violence protection policy is also essential so as to protect the workers and the organization. The management should also keep a ready reference of the applicable laws and rules that can help the organization in preventing violence. She also wrote about the importance of ensuring that the employment and hiring practices of the organization encourage the selection of the best candidates on the job. In preventing violence in the workplace, she gave pointers on recognizing the early signs of violence so that they can be solved. In these cases, counseling and coaching may be provided. But if such intervention practices do not work, then disciplinary action may be implemented, provided that this is within the policy of the organization on workplace violence. Minor’s set of strategies in preventing and dealing with workplace violence is solid and very practical. She does not dwell so much on theory but on practice. This can then help organizations and management to establish concrete strategies. The only danger, however, is that management may see this as a one-size-fits-all policy, which may become more detrimental to the organization. Nonetheless, the strategies are a good starting point for any organization intent on protecting the safety and the security of their workplace. The organization should look, however, for the right fit of policies and strategies in coping with workplace violence. A Summary of the Major Points of the Literature Review Workplace violence is indeed a growing problem in the United States and elsewhere in the world. Through the literature reviewed in this study, the various elements of workplace violence were investigated, the importance of profiling the perpetrators was undertaken, and the workplace as a system where violence may arise were looked into. The following elements were identified as the main participants in understanding and preventing workplace violence. Management Needless to say, the management is the first on the list to truly understand the nature of workplace violence, what are the different matters that make it complicated. Who are the workers with the potential to inflict violence on the workplace? What kinds of plans should be in place to prevent violence? Ironically, managers can also serve as the source of violence against workers. Management therefore should be strong enough and flexible enough to deal with workplace violence whenever it occurs. Management takes the lead in creating an organizational culture that does not tolerate workplace violence. If violence emanates from the management, then for sure, a culture of fear, anxiety and less productivity would be the order of the day. If the management works with the government, the employees, and other stakeholders, it can create a comprehensive plan and strategy in dealing with workplace violence. Although some researchers report a decline of violent crimes in the workplace, most of the time, the workers have to deal with subtle expressions of harassment and violence. This is an area of concern that management should not neglect. After all, a safe and happy workforce will help the organization achieve its goals. The Violent Worker There are a number of causes for a worker to lash out and unleash violence in the workplace. It could be because of mental and emotional disturbance, frustrations with their personal and professional lives, as well as specific events in the office that could â€Å"tip them over the edge† and give way to their violent impulses. Some authors have attempted to provide a profile of the potentially violent worker. However, there are also those who believe that this obsession with profile is an exercise in futility and would be inimical to the interests of the organizations. It might even precipitate a paranoia-filled workplace if the external characteristics of a person fit the mold of the profile. The management and the workers, too can help the potentially violent colleague by establishing support groups and coaching sessions in the workplace. Although this may not be part of the overall strategy and business model of the organization, yet the overall well-being of the workers would eventually contribute to productivity and efficiency. Through these human resources practices, the organization can also develop an organizational culture of excellence and zero tolerance of workplace violence. In the long run, such policy will not only help prevent workplace violence but it can also enhance the organization as a whole. The Workers and the Victims The victims of workplace violence can be any worker or employee. The perpetrator may be from the management, a customer or client, or a co-worker. It is therefore in their best interests if they knew what workplace violence is and how they are affected by this menace. Most of the time, the response of victims is to keep quiet and allow the violence to be unreported. This is a cause of concern for everyone in the organization because this is inimical to the organizational culture and productivity. There should be training and resources available to the workers so that they can readily deal with instances of violence in the workplace. Management is particularly The Workplace One important lesson that the literature review yielded is the way that the workplace can also contribute to the emergence of violence. The concept of organizational culture has been put forward as an explanatory variable of what makes workers become violent and inflict it on others in the organization. The workplace is a melting pot of personalities, ideas and different authority levels. When violence becomes a regular fare in the workplace, then it becomes a way of life in the workplace and the workers will be in fear and anxiety over the events in the workplace. Government The government has a number of resources that could help organizations deal with workplace violence. There are online resources and guides on dealing with trauma in the workplace. In addition to this, the government is also actively pursuing partnerships with the private sector in order to stop workplace violence. This way, organizations and companies can seek the help of government agencies and officials in preventing workplace violence. In extreme cases of violence, the government will also intervene with its resources so as to mediate and mitigate the damages of the violence. A Systems-Based approach to Workplace Violence Although it would be good to look individually at these elements of workplace violence, a better approach would be to analyze it as a system. In such a system, all of the elements interact with each other, helps each other, or give rise to the occurrence of violence. The workplace as the melting pot of workers and managers and even government has strong analytical potentials and will help researchers understand better the phenomenon of workplace violence. A worker without a natural potential for violence may become violent due to stress in his personal life confounded by the rude treatment of a manager. Transitions due to economic conditions may also create stress and frustrations that may become the source of violence. The workplace as a system may also help a researcher look at workplace violence more comprehensively. While some authors favor profiling the victims, the potentially violent worker, and the workplace individually, taking them together and analyzing how they work together and how violence arises would be a better goal for theories and research undertakings in the field. Such a holistic perspective would yield better information and practical guidance on how to deal with the issue of workplace violence. With the advent of information technology and the emergence of internet and new communication tools, these channels of communication may also become significant in the study of workplace violence. With the changes in technology and in the modes of working, so shall the analysis of workplace violence change. As part of the emerging trends and issues in dealing with workplace violence, the interaction between the workplace, the workers, other social forces and violence would yield more interesting insights. In dealing with workplace violence, prevention is still better than cure. This is why organizations should work towards a business model and human resources strategy that could prevent workplace violence and keep the marketplace a busy venue for work yet safe, secure and even satisfying for everyone involved.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Crusades Seen as a Whole Had Primarily Negative Consequences for Europe

The Crusades referred to the series of military campaigns that Western European Christians carried out in order to free the Holy Land from Muslim control. From 1096 to the late 13th century, these religious wars were waged against both internal and external opponents of Christianity. The Crusades, however, eventually became â€Å"any (form of) military effort by Europeans against non-Christians† (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ). Under the guise of militant Christianity, it was used as a means of European expansion (MSN Encarta, n. pag. ).Most of the effects of the Crusades in Europe proved to be very detrimental. For one, the power of the Papacy was increased. Crusaders who were either preparing for battle or returning home from combat gave vast tracts of land to the Roman Catholic Church in exchange for prayers and pious benedictions (Middle-Ages. org. uk, n. pag. ). Consequently, the Pope abruptly became more affluent and influential than most monarchies during this period. This sudd en increase in wealth, in turn, allowed him to institute both spiritual and secular supremacy over the royalty (Infoplease, n. pag. ).It is no longer surprising, therefore, if the Popes during the Crusades were always involved in power struggles and disputes with several European monarchs. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I and King Henry II of England were embroiled in a squabble with Pope Alexander III. Despite strong opposition from Emperor Otto IV and Emperor Frederick II, Pope Innocent II declared himself as the virtual ruler of the West. The quarrels between the Popes and the monarchs in this period became so frequent that it ultimately became the basis for a papacy’s clout (Infoplease, n. pag. ).Another negative consequence of the Crusades in Europe was the senseless murder of non-Christian peoples both inside and outside the continent. The Crusaders’ decision to attack Constantinople, for instance, was motivated by the need to pay off their debt to Venice. The paym ent of the Crusaders to the Doge Enrico Donalo – 86,000 marks – ended up short of 34,000 marks. To compensate for the missing amount, he convinced them to assault Constantinople. Donalo had a hidden agenda – Constantinople â€Å"was the main obstacle to prevent Venice from rising to dominate the trade of the Mediterranean Sea† (Roman-Empire. net, n. pag. ).The Crusaders invaded Constatinople on April 13, 1204. They stripped Orthodox churches of their mosaics, vestments, religious scriptures and altar pieces. Thousands of innocent civilians were also killed. Moreover, Venice was able to occupy Greece shortly afterwards (Cooke, n. pag. ). The Roman Catholic Church used the Crusades within Europe to increase its membership and dominion. The Crusaders in the Baltic, for instance, were infamous for seizing the lands of Orthodox Christians in Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe.One of the Crusaders’ organizations in the Baltic, the Teutonic Knights, violently slaughtered pagan tribes such as the Letts, the Balts and the Livs. The Archbishop of Riga urged Pope Clement V in 1308 to put an end to the carnage, to no avail (Ekelund, Tollison, Hebert, Anderson and Davidson, 147). In Spain, paramilitary orders such as the Belchite and the Monreal sequestered lands for the nobles and the Roman Catholic Church. These groups were able to carry out their operations under the guise of â€Å"(opening) a new route to Jerusalem along the North African coast† (France, 145).But the truth was that they were merely pawns in the desire of the Roman Catholic Church and the nobles to acquire more land. Religion was used to get away with injustice. It would be fair to say, therefore, that the Crusades was one of the darkest chapters of human history. The original teachings of the Roman Catholic Church – charity, forgiveness, compassion – were distorted to suit secular and military interests. Consequently, other religions were vi olated and their followers killed. Religion became a means of enriching a selected few.Works Cited Cooke, Nicholas A. â€Å"The Sack of Constantinople. † 2000. St. Michael the Archangel Church. 14 November 2008 . â€Å"Crusades. † 2008. MSN Encarta. 9 December 2008 . â€Å"Effects of the Crusades. † n. d. Middle-Ages. org. uk. 9 December 2008 . Ekelund, Robert Burton, Robert D. Tollison, Robert F. Hebert, Gary M. Anderson, and Audrey B. Davidson.Sacred Trust: The Medieval Church as an Economic Firm. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. France, John. The Crusades and the Expansion of Catholic Christendom, 1000-1714. New York: Routledge, 2005. â€Å"In the Middle Ages. † 2008. Infoplease. 9 December 2008 . â€Å"The Sack of Constantinople: The Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders in AD 1203/1204. † n. d. Roman-Empire. net. 9 December 2008 .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Food/Crops

Author: Instructor: Course Title: Date: Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Food/Crops Genetically modified organisms refer to organisms whose genetic components have been changed to produce an unnatural occurrence. Genetic engineering refers to the technology employed in the alteration of the genetic elements, which also facilitates the transfer of genes between related and non-related species. This technology is applied in the production of Genetically Modified (GM) crops/foods in order to meet the desired objectives of the industry operators.The 1980 US Supreme Court pronouncement on the legal patentability of biological life in the Diamond vs. Chakrabartyn case opened the gateway to genetic engineering (Lex Orbis). There are some perceived benefits of the GM foods industry, both to the producer and consumer, especially in regard to increased food productivity and nutrition. Conversely, there have been reported cases on potential risks to human health and the environment due to GM foods/crops. The harmful effects of GM foods production and consumption cannot be overlooked, due to their impact on human health, the environment and socio-economic operation of a society.The introduction and widespread use of Genetically Modified (GM) foods has been met with uncertainties in regard to public acceptability due to the confirmed and potential harmful effects of this technology. GM foods are disputable for various reasons, one of them being the adverse effects of these foods to human health. There are concerns over deaths, near-deaths and diseases such as cancer and bacterial infections arising out of GM foods. Human beings need food for survival but it is incongruous to consume potentially harmful food for one’s existence just for survival.Studies indicate that there have been recorded deaths attributable to Genetic Engineering in foods. In 1989, a genetic modification of the food supplement known as L-tryptophan produced a devastating disease known as t he Eosinophilia Myalgia syndrome (EMS). There were about 37 people who died from the ailment, as well as around 1500 who were physically impaired. The GM food supplement was manufactured by a Japan’s chemical company known as Showa Denko, which offered a $2 billion settlement to the victims, but investigations into the product were not carried out.In addition, initial GM tested products such as Flavr Savr have been reported as harmful to animals, evidenced by the premature deaths of the animals used in these lab tests. Further, in 1996, a company known as Pioneer Hi-Bred, the largest seed company in the US, produced soybeans with the added protein methionine, through splicing Brazil nut DNA into the conventional soybeans (Cummins, Lilliston and Lappe 36). Researchers from the University of Nebraska reported that the use of the GM soybeans may result in fatal allergies to individuals allergic to Brazilian nuts.Fortunately, the company withdrew the product from the market befor e any fatalities occurred. Allergenic reactions to GM foods are another area of concern to the consumer public. There has been an increasing rate of food-allergenic individuals in the nation, especially among children, which was confirmed by the Center for Disease Control. The increased alteration of diets contributes to the rising rate of food sensitivity, since GM foods are not comparable to regular foods (Nestle).Other indications of the allergenic quality of GM foods include the following: A study on GM potatoes with cod genes indicated they were allergenic; two independent studies indicated that GM Bt corn produced allergenic effects, even on the farmers who used genetically engineered Bt sprays to produce such corn; in 1999, York Laboratory researchers discovered a connection between the rise in allergic reactions to soy and the consumption of GM soy. The potential risks of GM foods extend to disease causality and bacterial infections.Scientists have established a connection b etween a protein hormone known as GH and a chemical hormone called IGH-1 associated with breast cancer, and in some instances, prostate cancer. The protein hormone GH is injected in dairy cows to facilitate the production of more milk, thus it has been used to boost the productivity of dairy corporations. Genetically modified versions of the hormone have been approved to enhance milk productivity despite warnings by scientists that this GM hormone increases the IGF-1 hormone in consumers, from about 70 to 1000%. Dr.Samuel Epstein, a University of Chicago doctor and the Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition explained the connection between GH and IGF-1; that the GH induces the malignant conversion of human breast epithelial cell types that eventually leads to cancerous growths. However, the US Food and Drugs Administration rejected the importance of such findings. The proponents of GM foods point to some science reviews which claim that GM crops in the market pose limited risks to human health. GM foods undergo protocol tests to determine their effects on human health as well as their allergenic quality.These tests have been evaluated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the result is that the GM foods currently in circulation pose no allergic effects to people. The World Health Organization further maintains that all GM foods in the global market have been approved after passing the necessary risk assessment tests; hence they are not harmful to human health. Additionally, the organization claims that adverse effects of these foods have not been proved among the general public where the GM foods have been permitted thus there should be no reason for alarm (World Health Organization).However, this position falls short of completely meeting the concerns of consumers, since various scientific studies have reflected negative health effects of GM foods, contradicting WHO’s position. Despite the obse rvation of harmful effects on a minority, GM foods cannot be ruled as completely safe for human consumption. In consideration of all the evidence presented, it is certain that genetic engineering technology presents certain dangers and health hazards that need to be thoroughly assessed before GM foods are absorbed into the global market.The assessment criteria for these products should also be revised with reference to case studies and reports highlighting potential harms of genetic modification (The Economist 19). Consumers should also be fully aware of the type of products displayed in the market in order to make informed choices. Genetic modified foods and crops have also been frowned upon for their potential negative effects to the environment. There are concerns over the toxicity levels in the soil due to genetic engineered farming, leading to soil pollution and destruction of plant and animal life.Despite the positive effects of genetic engineering technology in boosting food supply to the public, the application of this technology raises the use of chemicals and bio-engineered products in farms, hence the environmental degradation. It is essential to support a food crop production system that maintains environmental standards rather than ruin them, thus maintaining the spirit of environmental conservation. The GM crop industry advocates for this technology on the grounds that genetic engineered seeds and plants are helpful to the environment by decreasing the amount of chemicals used in farms.However, most of the GM agricultural products have a high chemical resistance, which in turn increases rather than decreases the use of herbicides or pesticides with toxic effects to the farms. The GM crop industry seeks to profit from the sale of more products, and these include seeds as well as pesticides and herbicides. In light of this issue, it is conceivable that the industry intends to sell more genetic engineered agricultural products as well as chemicals; hence environmental safety is a challenge if farmers rely on these products, since they go hand in hand with great use of herbicides/pesticides.According to environmental scientist, R. J. Goldburg, scientists expect that the use of herbicides will triple due to GM agricultural products (Goldburg 647). An example of a company in this industry is Monsanto, which is a world leading corporation in the production of genetic engineered seeds as well as the herbicide known as Roundup. The herbicide glyphosate, also called Roundup, has damaging effects to plant and animal life. The US Fish and Wildlife Service indicated that Roundup poses a threat to 74 endangered species; it affects natural processes in plant life such as photosynthesis.Further, the herbicide decays in the soil but it leaves deposits on the crops harvested for the consumer. Glyphosate, which is the main component in Roundup, is harmful to humans, and has led to numerous cases of illness among farmers. Various scientific re search projects also indicate the harmful effects of GM products to the soil; these include the research carried out by Oregon scientists which indicates the GM microorganism, klebsiella planticola killed vila soil nutrients and rendered it sterile.Similarly, in 1997, it was established that Rhizobium melitoli, a GM bacterium, released toxins in the soil that caused pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency also expressed its concerns over the matter, but these microorganisms are still in operation. The Oregon research also indicated that some of these microbes killed wheat plants when introduced into the soil. Other indicators of the environmental effects of GM products include the creation of super weeds and super pests; plant and animal invasions; destruction of forests; the death of beneficial insects and genetic pollution.GM elements such as Bt endotoxin have been reported to stay in the soil for about 18 months and could be transported to other wild plants, thus forming s uper weeds, resistant to beetles and butterflies, and this process affects the balance of nature. Super pests are created when common pests like budworms and cottonboll worms develop immunity from toxins due to repeated exposure. Research indicates that cottonboll worms have developed immunity from Bt sprays used in organic farming (Tabashnik, Gassmann and Crowder 199-202).Plant and animal invasions threaten the existing species and result to the imbalance of nature. Emerging GM strains can induce bio-invasions into plant or animal life, such as the invasion of the kudzu vine, which is an exotic plant from Japan with rapid growth. The damage to forest life is yet another justification for the claims against the production of GM foods/crops. GM trees have developed a resistance towards chemical sprays thus when spraying is carried out in a forest with GM trees, they survive but the plant life around them are killed.Unlike rainforests or tropical trees that support animal life such as fungi, insects and birds, GM trees are flowerless and sterile; hence they cannot support forest life in its entirety. Research further demonstrates that GM components destroy beneficial insects in plant life such as the monarch butterfly larvae which feeds on milkweed. In 1997, New Scientist reported that the proteins found in genetically modified canola flowers could potentially harm honeybees (Pain) Additionally, genetic pollution is another negative effect of GM production on the environment.Genetic pollution is facilitated by the transfer of GM pollen through rain, wind, birds or insects, and it becomes difficult to contain since unlike chemical pollution, it does not decay. The government of Thailand terminated field assessments for Bt cotton from Monsanto after the Institute of Traditional Thai Medicine established genetic pollution of nearby plants (GRAIN 1-7). In the face of the controversy around GM technology and its effects on the environment, the supporters of the techn ology advocate that it offers a solution to environmental strain caused by overpopulation.The proponents of genetic engineering argue that the technology is beneficial to the environment since it presents a solution that prevents further depletion of the environment as the world population rises. It is evident that overpopulation has caused negative effects on the environment, due to the constant struggle for land, water, fuels and other resources necessary for human existence. For this reason, supporters of this technology view it as the means to support the food requirements of the world as a whole while aintaining the status of the environment. GM food production has the potential to support the growing need of food supplies in the present world, but its damaging effects to the environment cannot be ignored since they pose long-term risks, that impact on future generations. These destructive effects on the environment, plant and animal life have been scientifically proven, thus t hey are not negligible GM crop production definitely introduces harmful effects to the environment and its inhabitants, making it an unsafe means to support food demands.The collaboration of core organizations in the environmental sector should be established in order to forge a way that incorporates stringent environmental standards in the GM food industry. Such organizations include the US Food and Drug Administration and the United Nations Environment Programme. There are a lot of concerns in the GM food industry, with some risks already identified while some remain to be discovered, hence there should be more emphasis on safe food production strategies rather than a technology filled with uncertainties (Krech 580).The other argument against genetically modified foods arises out of the negative political, social and economic implications of the industry to modern society. The extensive application of biotechnology in food production will change established farming drastically, th e strongest effect being on the indigenous farmers, and eventually the consumers. GM food production requires patenting, and the large corporations in this sector will eventually push the indigenous farmers out of their farms, while they control food products and prices.Advocates against GM crop production argue that his industry will displace farmers out of their livelihoods, since they face the risk of being bought out by large multinational companies that can pursue genetic engineering from a large-scale level. The control of the GM food production industry by large corporations amounts to bio-colonization, which by extension refers to the power that bio-technology controllers possess in the current and future market. The ability to control genetic components as well as agricultural resources is the source of so much power, for its food production.Indigenous farmers in the U. S. are currently self-sufficient in food production, but with the advancements in the GM food industry, m ore and more people will be dependent upon these industry controllers for food. These industry controllers may be referred to as the bio-colonizing companies, which will possess a lot of decisive power in the world economy due to their control of genetic and agricultural resources. Agricultural workers will also be greatly afflicted with the transfer of control in the industry from individuals to corporations or governments.The result will be displacement of farmers from their economic activity by more powerful forces, leading to a high rate of food dependency from companies and the government (Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability 206). Unfortunately, the WTO, World Bank and GATT provide regulations that facilitate large-scale and foreign interests at the expense of local economies, which further impede self-sufficiency in those countries. Another socio-political issue of concern is the debate on the labeling of GM foods.Proponents of G M foods argue that these foods are similar to regular foods thus the need for labeling is unnecessary, but a counterargument is that with the potential risks of GM foods, consumers should be fully aware of the contents of their foods in order to make informed choices. The consumer has the right to be informed of the ingredients in his/her food, irrespective of the safety or harmful levels of the food. Some parties argue for genetic engineering in food production as the solution to world hunger and other economic problems that arise out of food shortages.The proposition is that GM foods can be produced even under harsh soil and climatic conditions since they can be engineered to withstand such conditions. For this reason, most lands that have previously not been utilized for farming can now be made useful, and eventually solve the problem of overcrowding on the fertile lands. According to the proponents, this move is expected to increase food productivity, thus solving two problems a t the same time; the scramble for resources and food security. However, such an argument fails to consider the bigger picture in regard to autonomy in food production among local farmers and regions.It is clear that the GM food industry is controlled by large corporations and governments, hence they would in turn control productivity and supply on the international front. In this regard, indigenous farmers as well as small economies do not achieve food security; rather they become more dependent on multinational companies. In summary, genetically engineered foods raise a lot of questions and concerns among the public due to the insufficient information regarding the sector and the potential harm it presents to the people and the environment.There are proponents with valid perspectives who argue for and against the concept, but it is important that the benefits of this technology are weighed against the risks, in order to determine the true value of the industry to consumers (Ackerma n). Positive effects include increased food supply and control of overpopulation in fertile lands, but these benefits are overshadowed by the numerous reported and unreported harmful effects of genetic science in food production.From health complications to environmental degradation and negative socio-economic impacts, the GM food production industry is potentially catastrophic in the present time and in the future ahead. Works Cited Ackerman, Jennifer. â€Å"FOOD: How Altered? † National Geographic Magazine. (2002). Web. 18 March 2011. Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability. Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States. Washington, D. C. : National Academies Press, 2010: 206-207. Print. Cummins, Ronnie, Ben Lilliston and Frances Moore Lappe.Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2004: 36-38. Print. Goldburg, R. J. â€Å"Environmental Con cerns with the Development of Herbicide-tolerant Crops. † Weed Technology 6. 3 (1992): 647-652. Print. GRAIN. â€Å"Bt Cotton through the Back Door. † Seedling (2001): 1-7. Print. Krech, Shepard. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History: F-N. London: Routledge, 2004: 580-581. Print. Lex Orbis. â€Å"Patenting Microorganisms. † Lex Orbis: Intellectual Property Practice. (30 April 2005). Web. 18 March 2011. Nestle, Marion. Agricultural Biotechnology, Policy, and Nutrition. † The New England Journal of Medicine (2002). Print. Pain, Stephanie. â€Å"War in the Woods – Dutch Elm Disease is back with a Vengeance. But this time Biotechnology. † New Scientist. (1997). Web. 18 March 2011. Tabashnik, BE, et al. â€Å"Insect Resistance to Bt Crops: Evidence versus Theory. † Nature Biotechnology (2008): 199-202. Print. The Economist. â€Å"Who's Afraid of Genetically Modified Foods? † The Economist. (19 June 1999): 19-21. Print. World Hea lth Organization. WHO: 20 Questions on Genetically Modified Foods. 2011. Web. 18 March 2011.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan and Veil by Marjane Satrapi Essay

Mother Tongue by Amy Tan and Veil by Marjane Satrapi - Essay Example Language is and will always remain to be key constituent of communication. The article, ‘Mother Tongue’ is highly provocative in its connotations because it not only shows that language, specifically, English language is significant medium of expression but most importantly, it has succeeded to evoke creative discourse on issue which is intrinsically linked to the language. Indeed, facilitating communication through language is critical issue within and outside the precinct of language externalities like grammar, spelling, correct phrasing etc. She is emphatic that English as literary language needs to be confined within the paradigms of literature only, though, of course, language that is easily understood is an important condition. She stresses that language ability is often associated with wide ranging implications, leaving behind its key objective of communication. Often in a developed society, the lack of command in the native language is construed to be a major def iciency that reflects in undermining the dignity of individuals. The individuals get associated with personality disorders and deliberately not taken seriously. She cites the example of her mother who is not proficient in English language, thus uses ‘broken or fractured English’. ... highly innovative in her work that has communicated her deepest feeling not through structured English but by graphic displays that have conveyed her thoughts effectively. The ‘Veil’ depicts the religious fanatics and the strict code of conduct under the stringent and extremely biased Islamic laws that reflect a new perspective of the people of Iran. The text/visuals disseminate information in a unique manner that is praiseworthy as well as hugely imaginative. Satrapi has shown that communication has more than one media and language is just a tool that strengthens expressions of thoughts into concrete format. Most importantly, the author of ‘Veil’ has revealed new dimension of language. She shows that language can also be interpreted in diverse ways and readers/ listeners need also be tuned to the changing thought processes of the concerned individual. In other words, understanding of people also becomes a critical element in the effective communication proc esses. People must make efforts to understand the compulsions of other individuals who are probably trying to communicate important information in a language that might be ‘broken or fractured’ as Amy Tan says. The native language and immigrants have become two important faces of same coin, the language barrier! Indeed, it cannot be denied that proficiency in native language is desirable but making it a compulsion for common man defeats the very purpose of language which is to communicate. The issue of language, specifically, English language is an important factor for myriad reasons. It is widely used in the developing world where immigrants go for higher education or for better prospects vis-a-vis job opportunities and personal and professional growth. Hence, knowledge and skill in the language is

Hypothetical international law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hypothetical international law questions - Essay Example Answer: As per the UN Charter of human rights, human rights of all the passengers are violated in this case. According to the International Convention Against Taking of Hostages(1979) the passengers can seek damages for the violation of their human rights. 2. They can argue that they are political criminals fighting for a just cause and are not terrorists, and it is very important principle of the International law that extradition for political crimes is not allowed. 1. The act of USA's military forces gathering just outside Libya's twelve-mile territorial sea, but within plain view of the Libya coastal defense forces is a hostile act and can be considered as an act of war against Libya. USA can not resort to such tactics without clear cut evidence of the participation of the Libyan State in the crime of hijacking, otherwise it has to be considered as a terrorist act committed by some individuals. Even if USA was convinced that the some Libyan Political leaders are clandestinely involved in this crime, in that case USA should have approached the UN security council first to take a collective action for protecting the interests of the passengers on board the aircraft. 2.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Influence of Marketing through Culture and Tradition in Kuwait Research Paper

The Influence of Marketing through Culture and Tradition in Kuwait (Gulf) - Research Paper Example The origin of Kuwait culture comes from diverse backgrounds and is very rich. In addition, the influences of marketing on customs and traditions of Kuwait is widespread as observed in many firms (Ahmed 16). This calls for conscious marketing especially for the international marketer since what a certain culture accepts may be regarded as a taboo in another. This paper will focus on the influence of marketing on culture and traditions in Kuwait. The importance of culture in marketing cannot be underestimated, the traditions, values, attitudes and religious beliefs of a people can affect greatly the promotion of a product. Most of the marketing mix components can only achieve great outcomes if the culture and traditions of the people is well understood, respected, and tolerated especially that of the target market. For instance, promoting a product is expected to increase customers and consequently the profits, therefore to achieve greater profits through promotion it is imperative tha t a company puts into consideration a people’s culture and traditions in order to gain a deeper understanding of their needs and be able to produce and market the products that suit their needs. The language of a people is a vehicle of culture and affects the consumer behaviour considerably (Victor 142). One of the marketing strategies is promotion; consumer acceptance of a product requires a language to promote the product. Therefore, promotional methods such as personal selling, advertising, publicity and sales promotion can only be successful through the use of a language. In Kuwait, Islamic is the commonly used language which among the most influential cultural elements (Ahmed 67). Other elements include religious beliefs and ethnic values, all these cultural elements have an effect on the marketing mix, pricing, promotion, product, and price. This requires multinational firms to make their promotions and products adaptable to the environment they exist to ensure persuasi ve marketing. A cultural bound firm is the one that is consumer-oriented, this is evidenced by cultural groupings, and inclinations that tend to purchase certain products calling for marketers to be responsive on cultural influences on their marketing strategies. In Kuwait, culture is related to all dimensions of the society (Ahmed 23). Therefore, appropriate marketing strategy has gained more focus from marketers who wish to promote their products in an effort to increase their market share. Culture and tradition has become a key component of advertisements for most products and services to attract more customers and retain existing ones. Some of the business that have embraced marketing through culture and traditions include the National Bank of Kuwait, Commercial Bank of Kuwait, and Zain which is one of the best telecommunication companies in the country. The use of cultural strategies to market themselves has not only helped these companies increase their sales but also attract new consumers while at the same time achieving and increasing customer loyalty. Another important aspect on the influence of marketing through culture and traditions in Kuwait observed in organizing employees principles as a national culture in order for them to understand their work and what is expected out of it and the manner in which the expect to be treated. This means firms have to act in

Monday, August 26, 2019

POWER AUTHORITY AND INFLUENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

POWER AUTHORITY AND INFLUENCE - Essay Example This paper describes my own personal methods or ways through which I gain power in the workplace. Power is the aptitude to control people. Authority is the privilege to influence, control, and transform other people. To elucidate how I gain power and influence in the work place, it is important to describe French and Raven model of power and influence. These two individuals postulated an all inclusive form of collective and shared authority. In doing so, they proposed and recommended various categories of authority. These categories include intimidation, incentive, valid, specialist, referent, as well as informational. People in positions of leadership can achieve power and influence through corporeal and oral intimidations. Power through intimidation can either be applied to a single entity or a group of people (Houser, Anna & Domokos-Cheng, 2004). There are instances I have used intimidation to manipulate and control some of my juniors in the workplace. Those in positions of leader ship will bear me witness that some intimidating actions applied to some employees are not planned. There are those employees who will take any chance and misconstrue everything to make you look bad to your bosses. Since I am human and human beings often make mistakes, I do not tolerate any of my juniors reporting me to my immediate boss as this would affect my chances of ever getting a promotion or a pay rise. I deal with these individuals appropriately and warn them of dire consequences if they ever report me to my boss. According to French and Raven theory, achieving power and influence through incentives is practiced in many organizations all over the world. Individuals who are involved in making decisions regarding incentives have all the power and influence in the workplace. Valid power and influence is achieved on the basis of how the individual in management position is expected to behave by the public. In referent power, people are known to respect and recognize the authori ty of individuals that they are capable of forming relationships or associations with. Informational power depends on the status of an individual as some individuals are considered to be more knowledgeable than others (Houser, Anna & Domokos-Cheng, 2004). I can relate to French and Raven model in the ways or manners in which I gain power and influence in my workplace. Individuals in management as illustrated by the French and Raven model are expected by the society to act or behave in certain ways. Trust is a virtue. I have learnt the importance of building trust in the workplace. For an individual to be powerful and influential, both his/her workmates and bosses as well must have faith and conviction towards him/her. Through allowing my juniors to plan their duties to fit their personal needs and requirements as long as it is within the organizational objectives and guidelines has enable them to trust and respect me. I have also ensured that I always achieve my projected goals and objectives in whatever I do. Through this, I have gained influence and power within the workplace as I am considered one of the best performers. Furthermore, I involve myself in doing research on the past, current, and future operations of my organization. Doing so has been of significance as I have been able to identify areas of weaknesses within the organization and subsequently identified novel avenues through which I can mitigate or alleviate hurdles in organizational performance.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Advanced Nursing Role Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Advanced Nursing Role - Essay Example elly (2012) front line managers are responsible for patient care delivery, planning and monitoring resources, maintaining codes and standards and developing and evaluating staff. Middle-level managers facilitate cooperating in the organization by serving as a link between front line and upper-level managers. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans (p. 401). I agree that nurse managers and nurse administrators have supervisory tasks in an organization. Even though individuals sometimes regard a nurse administrator and nurse manager as one administration role, it should be noted that these two roles differ in responsibility and payment. Nurse Managers are responsible for a single unit within a medical facility, while a nurse administrator is responsible for more than one unit all units in a medical facility. Additionally, nurse managers fall under the category of middle management, while nurse administrators fall under executive level management (Crowther, 2008). In regard to educational level; nevertheless, they can possess a graduate degree as an added advantage; while nurse administrators require a graduate degree as well as clinical experience. Nurse Managers work directly with nurses who offer primary care to patients, giving guidance on the appropriate medical care, whereas nurse administrators work with middle-level managers and other senior staff, thereby providing indirect care to patients (Parker & Smith,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Individual Experience of Working at a Prestigious Bank Essay

Individual Experience of Working at a Prestigious Bank - Essay Example I had a partial English education and could converse in English without difficulty. Although she had a thick African accent and a way of speaking, which is, at best called â€Å"cart before the horse,† the unabashed African made herself clearly understood. Other two Asians, coming from different parts of Asia, found it an uphill task to hold an ordinary conversation. But I could see that they were learning fast. People took some time to understand our accented and rather hurried way of speaking and this was, at times, a huge embarrassment. In frustration sometimes, we blamed it on the racism prevalent in the UK, although we knew that we were being unfair. African had an aggressive ‘back home’ accent and was unexpectedly comfortable with it. We had initial problems to understand the original British English, and had always been nervous if someone spoke to us directly. Slowly we started understanding the British way of speaking and that problem was partially left be hind. It is fantastic that we know a common language, even though at varying degrees of fluency. â€Å"For many theorists within mainstream linguistics, the term discourse signifies a turning away from sentences as exemplars of usage in the abstract, that is examples of the way that language is structured as a system, to a concern with language in use.† Brown and Yule (1983, taken from Mills, 1997, p. 9). Discourse across race and regions has many colors and shades. Our discourse that has remained formal even to this day with the British also shows the delicate nature of our relationship. It took only a few days for the rest of us to be informal. With formal conversation, very often one hits a brick wall. â€Å"What I have said is not ‘what I think’ but often what I wonder whether it couldn’t be thought,† said Foucault (1979d. 58) (Taken from Mills, 1997, p. 14). Language and discourse are crucial in cross-cultural  interactions and mostly becomes the sole reason of hindrance in furthering a friendship.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

GSA Wants You Federal Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

GSA Wants You Federal Contracts - Essay Example The system uses the most recent digital authentication technology to allow for electronic signatures and cater for data integrity. Advantages of Electronic over Classic paper Solicitations 1. Data security The electronic process ensures that the proposals are submit exactly as the contractors write them without unnecessary modification of information. It also ensures that the proposals are delivered directly to the responsible personnel without being passed through other parties. This eliminates the possibility of alteration of the content or loss of the proposals in the process of transportation (Brian, 2003). Unlike the paper process, which is subject to many-party handling hence providing opportunities for malicious altering of data, data security is assured. Paper process entails impairing with the interactive environment since the intended information from the original source may not go the intended personnel. 2. Ease of Applying There is software that enables one to complete th ese proposals easily with tools providing hint on what is required from the proposal. This helps one to provide the necessary information without much struggle. The software also helps one to look for errors easily and correct them in order to forward an understandable proposal. This is because the proposal must entail clear information and hence the process becomes easier since there is no room for assumptions. To some ambiguous phrases, it is essential that drafting of all the work is done and typed manually to create ease for one to detect any errors especially when the proposal is not using a good software. In addition, there is high possibility of leaving important information since the whole process is imagined (Safari Books, 2009). This would lead to impaired communication since the solicitation while have to be returned for completion of the required information and clarification of some ambiguous phrases. 3. Fast Delivery The submitting of the proposals is done online hence it takes very little time for the proposals to reach the targeted destinations after they have been submitted. This ensures fast interaction between the contractor and the prospective contractors hence leading to faster decision making process unlike the classic paper solicitations which have to be submitted manually hence taking a lot of time to communicate. 4. Ease of reviewing After the proposals have been sent to the GSA, it may be returned for correction or clarification on matters concerning responsibility, responsiveness, scope, subcontracting plan or pricing analysis. After the proposal is reviewed and in some cases returned, the electronic system offers an easy way for editing and adding the relevant information. Editing the original proposal is easier than the paper process whereby the whole document has to be retyped in order to allow addition of information and also printed again for resubmission. 5. Economical Compared to the paper process, the electronic submission is more economical in terms of space and funds. This is because it cuts down the printing costs and unnecessary occupation of space for filing documents since the proposals are stored in their computer databases. 6. Duration of Contract There should be negotiations about the period of the contract to make sure that the period allows my company to stabilize. The process must allow the company in its operations and recover from any losses it may have incurred during the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Homage to My Hips Essay Example for Free

Homage to My Hips Essay The theme of Lucille Clifton’s â€Å"Homage to my hips† concentrates on a proud, strong, and powerful woman who is absolutely in love with her hips. Clifton’s tone throughout the poem focuses highly on her big hips. Not once does the she speak negatively about them. She feels absolutely wonderful about her big hips, making her feel so confident and full-bodied all at the same time. She gives off many reasons to why her hips make her modest, but full of pride. The beginning of ’Homage to my hips† illustrates the confidence that the speaker has about her hips. â€Å"These hips are big hips† (1) demonstrate how the speaker is proud of her big hips and does not mind what others may think about her hips. I feel like the speaker would be disappointed if she had little hips. The speaker knows that her hips are big and they need additional room when she explains â€Å"they need space to/move around in† (2/3). The speaker knows her hips do not fit into little places. The speaker of â€Å"Homage to my hips† is definitely not ashamed of her considerably large hips. After the speaker talks about her proud qualities as it pertains to her hips she moves on to speak about why her hips make her strong. In the lines â€Å"these hips/are free hips (5-6) the speaker demonstrates that her hips do what they want to do. Her wide hips have no limitations. â€Å"These hips have never been enslaved† (7) shows the speaker has never been controlled and she can uphold her freedom by herself. The speaker shows her strong side by stating â€Å"they go where they want to go/they do what they want to do† (8-9). The big hips do not make her feel weak. Finally Clifton speaks about how her hips make her powerful. I think that when the speaker states that â€Å"these hips are mighty hips/these hips are magic hips† (11-12) would give a sense that she can get certain things from a man or give a man a certain feeling. Also, the magic of the hips could attract a lover perhaps. I have known them/to put a spell on a man and/spin him like a top† (13-15) suggests that she knows her big hips are sexy and she can still have a sense of sexiness despite her big hips. She knows that her big hips can be a great turn on for a man. Her hips could make a man go wild if she so desired. In conclusion, the theme of Lucille Clifton’s poem gives a woman of bigger hip nature a sense of pride, strength, and prowess. Despite the need for additional room for movement, the woman in this poem is neither disappointed nor ashamed. She has the freedom to explore wherever she wants. She does not allow anyone to hold her back. Finally, the powerful natures of her big hips coincide with both sex appeal and an attraction. In the end she is satisfied with her big hips. Works Cited Clifton, Lucille. â€Å"Homage to my hips.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance of Friends Essay Example for Free

Importance of Friends Essay â€Å"The silver friend knows your present and the gold friend knows all of your past dirt and glories. Once in a blue moon there is someone who knows it all, someone who knows and accepts you unconditionally, someone who is there for life.† This is a quote I read once in an article by Jill McCorkle in my cousin’s house. McCorkle’s description of a â€Å"gold friend† describes a friendship that I have with a group of girls who mean the world to me. These friends are the pearls of my life. This word bears its great meaning to me and only to those who could understand the greatness of its meaning. It’s something sacred, it needs to be cherished and build up for many years with much care. Its a complex, magical process, which must contain fluid that will start spinning the wheel. Let me tell you something about my friends.When I was a freshman in high school, I became friends with these girls-Guia,Krisha, Carla, Magz, Cj, Jian, and Chantel. Since the beginning of that year, we have all been best friends. There were many times we rode around together. However, this particular Jeep ride was very significant because I realized what friendship is all about. One Tuesday night, we all went to Greenwich in SM, except Chantel, and eat there with the parents of Guia because it was the celebration of her birthday. This experienced will remain and will never be erased from me because it was one of the happiest things that had happened to me. Friendship like ours was something many people had never experienced. To me, the significance of our relationship is a unique bond that I feel with these ladies. They are like sisters that God did not give me. They have been there for me at times when my world was falling apart. As I finally drifted off to sleep that night, I thanked God for allowing me to have them in my life. These eight girls, including RIchel of course, have been my guardian angels. I have always been able to count on them, no matter what the situation is. They have helped me face the next day when I did not know if it was possible. We have been through everything; we have laughed, cried, and then laughed at ourselves for crying together. There have been many times when I have been lonely and I reminisce back to the experiences I had with them. It reminds me that there are people who care about me and accept me for who I am. A true friendship is a magnificent thing and as Talbot Jennings said â€Å"Friend is the finest word in any language. Life without friends is a life I could not imagine.